Why do projects fail?

10th Global Project Management Survey found there were three common reasons for project failure. These were…

Why do projects fail? How to use project management software to address the top 3 reasons and increase your success rate

We’ve all been there before: that delicious moment of satisfaction when a new client accepts your team’s proposal. The first war has been won - and now, time for the real work to begin! Before the champagne is popped, how is it that your team will ensure that the promises you’ve made to your clients can be fulfilled? Let’s take a step back and look at some of the issues that are common place across projects and endeavours of all shapes and sizes.


The same challenges to project management face teams across every industry. ThePMI’s Pulse of the Profession: 10th Global Project Management Survey found there were three common reasons for project failure. These were…

A lack of defined objectives and milestones (37%)
Poor communication (19%)
A lack of communication by senior management (18%)

It’s easy to spot the commonality across each of these three leading reasons for failure: communication. When clear, concise and connected communication is not in place, projects can face significant challenges in the way of successful completion from the very beginning. However, it’s not all doom and gloom! Knowledge is power, and identifying the positive impact of communication means your team can gain a strategic advantage through implementing strategic forms of communication accountability.


BVDash’s project management software is all about healthy communication.Offering teams the benefit of deep-level insights, real-time updates, and a hefty number of tools that can implement tightened communication and the flow of information, this software is shaped to allow teams to focus on getting on with the work, not worrying about how to manage it.


In fact, direct team communication is built right into the software itself! With a user-friendly communication interface that facilitates conversations between team members, questions can be answered right within the software itself, keeping systems streamlined and increasing your team’s ability to focus on the task at hand.


Not only can powerful communication systems decrease the risk of stalled or failed projects and endeavours, it can also encourage a healthy and dynamic team culture of information sharing, responsibility and accountability, and a united sense of satisfaction once a task is achieved successfully.


A New York based start-up called Imperative discovered some compelling statistics about the impact of purpose on job satisfaction in their 2016Workforce Purpose Index. According to their study,73% of purpose-oriented members are satisfied in their jobs, compared to 64% of non-purpose oriented. Increasing team communication and visibility allows for your collaborators to find deeper satisfaction in and connection to their work and to each other, increasing their purpose within their role and directly impacting their job satisfaction. Building purpose through clarified communication into each of your workflows and processes can lead to a growth in team morale and job satisfaction. It’s a nice side benefit as work gets done more effectively!


Transform your team’s communication through implementing project management software that understands your company’s needs. Take a look at how BVDash can reduce project failure and increase your success rates.